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Magnetic Fridge Boards

Blank, weekly and monthly designs are ideal for organising the family.

Showing all 17 results

  • Sale! Magnetic Cartoon Speech Bubble Whiteboard

    Magnetic Cartoon Speech Bubble Whiteboard with Colour Marker Pens

    £8.99 £8.54
  • Sale! Magnetic A3 Chore Chart Fridge Board

    Magnetic A3 Chore Chart Fridge Board with Colour Marker Pens

    £8.99 £8.54
  • Sale! White Meow Cat magnetic board for fridge

    Meow White Cat Magnetic Fridge Board Planner with Markers

    £12.49 £11.87
  • Sale! Coloured Squares Magnetic Whiteboard Fridge Board

    Pack of 6 Coloured Squares Magnetic Whiteboard Fridge Board & Marker

    £8.99 £8.54
  • Sale! 7 Day Family Planner Magnetic Fridge Memo Board

    7 Day Family Fridge Planner Magnetic Notice Board

    £9.99 £9.49
  • Sale! Magnetic Fridge Whiteboard

    Multilingual Drywipe Magnetic Whiteboard Fridge Board Planner

    £8.99 £8.54
  • Sale! magnetic planner board

    Fridge Board Magnetic Daily Planner With Marker

    £9.99 £9.49
  • Sale! Jungle Reward chart for a fridge

    Weekly Planner Magnetic A3 Fridge Board With Marker

    £8.99 £8.54
  • Sale! Magnetic Daily Planner whiteboard fridge

    Colour Shopping Magnetic Fridge Board With Marker

    £9.99 £9.49
  • Sale! Blank A3 Dry Wipe Magnetic Whiteboard Fridge Board

    Blank A3 Dry Wipe Magnetic Whiteboard Fridge Board

    £5.99 £5.69
  • Sale! Calendar Magnetic Fridge Board

    Calendar Magnetic Fridge Board 31 Day Month Planner

    £9.99 £9.49
  • Sale! Chart Fridge Board

    Magnetic Reward Chart Fridge Board – Ocean Creatures

    £8.99 £8.54
  • Sale! Jungle Reward chart for a fridge

    Magnetic Reward Chart Fridge Board – Jungle Animals

    £8.99 £8.54
  • Sale! Reward Chart a Fridge

    Magnetic Reward Chart Fridge Board – Penguin and Friends

    £8.99 £8.54
  • Sale! Magnetic Planning Fridge Whiteboard Week Diet Meal Planner | Free Pen | A3

    Magnetic Fridge Board Week Diet Meal Planner (A3)

    £9.99 £9.49
  • Sale! Unicorn Fridge Board

    Unicorn Magnetic Whiteboard Drywipe Memo Fridge Board

    £7.99 £7.59
  • Sale! Black Magnetic Whiteboard Fridge Board With Dry Wipe Marker

    Black Magnetic Whiteboard Fridge Board With Dry Wipe Marker

    £11.99 £11.39

Order Your Magnetic Dry Erase Board Online Today for Next Day Delivery

In the modern world, it’s exceedingly difficult to get everyone singing from the same hymn sheet. Everyone has different plans, everyone has different ideas about what they want to do. Everyone is living their own life. That’s not always helpful when you’re trying to keep tabs on your whole family or plan family nights out. You sometimes need a little help. What with smartphones and tablets these days you can easily sync everyone’s calendars and it’s all good to go right? Wrong.

Your kids never check their calendars. There is only one calendar they ever check, that is their parents. They ask you if it’s okay for them to do something and you either say yes or no and then they do it anyway. So what are you going to do to solve the problem? It’s simple really, all you need is a fridge whiteboard. You put it on the fridge, you plan out the family schedule and you’re all good to go. Fortunately, we have a wonderful selection of fridge memo board to allow you to plan every single thing you need to. This simple planning solution is magnetic so will stick to a fridge in the kitchen which is the best place to have a planner as you can guarantee that all the family will pass the kitchen at some point in the day. We don’t just sell planners! We also have 31-day calendars to mark key dates that month.
... This magnetic fridge whiteboard will stick to any metal surface so is also ideal for offices and food establishments. Meal planners for dieters, fitness fanatics and families looking to better organise family meals which will save you money on the shopping bill. Reward charts for children are a great way to motivate a child to behave correctly in a more positive, constructive way. We also now have blank A3 fridge magnet board sheets that you can use for anything you wish We have a wonderful selection of magnetic fridge whiteboards to allow you to plan every single thing you need to. We have daily planners, we have weekly planners and we even have monthly planners. Each one giving you all of the space and prompts you to need to write down all the important family plans. It’s not just planners that we have for you though, we have some excellent reward charts available for when you want to give your kids a helping hand when it comes to keeping their behaviour in check. What about when you run out of something and want to add it to your shopping list? We have some great shopping item reminder boards too. It doesn’t end their either if you just like to have something to make notes on, or even just to doodle when you’re cooking a stir fry, we have plain whiteboards too so you can just write away to your heart’s content. Our daily, weekly and monthly planners all come with a whiteboard pen and eraser included. They give you plenty of space to write down your plans and all have a gloss finish so you can just simply wipe them clean. If you’re the plan in advance kind of person then these whiteboards are perfect for you to not only plan your own life, but everyone else around you as well. Raising kids can be a difficult quandary. Often it’s a case of two steps forward, ten steps back. Not with this wonderful reward chart though. It gives you the opportunity to track your child’s good behaviour over a period of a week, and then you can choose whether they have earned their reward or not. Once again, provided with a pen and eraser this chart has everything you need to help your child maintain their good character. What about when you have finished the last of the pickled onions? There is nothing more annoying than finishing them and then forgetting to add them to your shopping list later. With our shopping reminder board, you can simply add it to the list as soon as you have finished your pickled onions and you never have to worry about forgetting them again. Or what if you’re just a doodler? Everyone loves doodling. It’s one of the simplest, easiest and most satisfying pastimes there is. Just grab a pen and doodle away. Our fridge whiteboard gives you the opportunity to doodle away as much as you want because it is completely plain. A nice, simple plain whiteboard to use however you see fit. Doodling, or more likely important messages. It gives you the chance to make your fridge an important part of the house. Everyone will check the fridge to make sure that they haven’t missed anything. No matter what kind of whiteboard you might require for your fridge, we have got it covered here at CKB Ltd.

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